Your eyebrows can say a lot about your personality. If they are well-groomed, this gives off the impression that you are a professional or care about your appearance; if they are bushy and thick, this can create a very masculine appearance. You know how important it is to keep your hair looking good and how to properly line up a beard as a male. But a lot of men neglect to groom their brows properly.

You don't want them to become uncontrollable. Thankfully, there are some easy actions you can do at home to make them appear presentable.

Why Men Should Groom Their Eyebrows

Men must actively participate in maintaining the health of their brows, especially as they get older. Hair doesn't grow as quickly as it used to as you get older.

It could develop in a variety of directions or swell considerably. You, therefore, require a sound plan to preserve your youthful appearance.

man using tweezers

What Do Men Need to Groom Their Eyebrows?

You simply need a few tools that you most likely already have around the house to get started.


Make sure your eyebrows are combed upward before continuing. You can more clearly see which hairs are longer than the rest thanks to this.

Precision Tip Scissors

Once you see those variations, gently cut each one with a pair of fine scissors until they are all the same length.


Any stray hairs that aren't in the natural form of your brows can be removed with tweezers. Simply be mindful not to overtighten. Your eyebrows may seem worse than they did before if you remove too many hairs.


Clean up your facial hair with stainless steel tweezers made for men. Our design makes removing and grabbing tiny hairs easy. Gentlehomme Tweezers for men’s eyebrows are highly designed with a 25-degree slanted tip to work against the brow bone and give you a natural and clean look. Clean up your facial hair with stainless steel tweezers made for men. Our design makes removing and grabbing tiny hairs effortlessly.


Naturally, you must monitor your actions. To ensure that all of your eyebrow hairs are precisely the same length, make sure to complete this process in front of a mirror.

 Grooming Men’s Eyebrows: Best Practices

You should still adhere to these recommendations even if you have all the necessary tools. You don't want to appear odd for a long time while your eyebrows are still developing.

Trim From the Bottom of Your Eyebrow

When the tops of the brows have more hair, they appear as tweezers. By beginning from the bottom and moving your way up, you may keep a more masculine aspect. You might conclude that some of those higher hairs aren't a worry for you.

Don’t Wax Your Eyebrows

Waxing brows makes them thinner, thus women frequently do it. This works well for female facial traits but not as well for male facial features. Men should use scissors and tweezers. Waxing also makes you more likely to have burns and redness. Additionally, if you frequently get acne between your brows, you should generally avoid doing it.

Find an Eyebrow Specialist

When in doubt, consult a professional. Simply make sure the microblade specialist you hire is certified. You don't want to take any chances because their license is proof that they are skilled at what they do.

Use Brow Gel

You can fill up sparse areas of your brows with brow gel. If you tweeze them too thinly by mistake, this is a great fix. The best part is that it keeps your brows in place without leaving a moist or sticky appearance. Everybody badly wants that brows on fleek that goes on for weeks. However, still feel confused, and undecided about how to get one. We hope that this article has helped you figure it out.

eyebrow gel

Gentlehomme Eyebrow Gel includes a soft brush end so you can gently brush your eyebrows and facial hair for a clean, slick look. We made our eyebrow gel clear so it is suitable for all types of eyebrow colors and is invisible. With a natural clear gel, this eyebrow gel enhances your overall look and boosts your stare. It gives brows a soft finish by holding them in place with one easy swipe.

Don't Overdo It

No matter the method you choose, the most valuable thing to know when grooming eyebrow hairs is knowing when to stop. Avoid using a magnifying mirror if you're tweezing (as this will make it easier to get fixated and over-tweeze), and maintain control throughout the process.

The Best Eyebrow Pencils for Men

Since few men are born with perfectly flawless brows, you don’t need to rely on genes to put your best face forward. Eyebrow pencils are here to save the day and your grooming routine. Choose a shade that most closely matches your natural hair color, so the strokes won’t stand out from the brow.

eyebrow pencil

Gentlehomme Eyebrow Pencil helps you easily define and shape your eyebrows and facial hair for a clean and elegant look. Our eyebrow pencil is exclusively designed for men and provides both a brush and a lead pencil all in one. Easy and convenient to use, you can take it on the go and use it in the morning or at night. Users can choose from five shades to match their brows perfectly.

Keep your Eyebrows as Natural as Possible!

At the end of the day, everything about your appearance adds to a person's overall impression of you. When it comes to tidying your eyebrows, you want to keep them as natural as possible, without removing too much hair. You can achieve this by trimming them and then removing outlying hairs.

Gentlehomme provides you with this ultimate guide to men’s eyebrow grooming. If you have questions, send us a message through our Contact Form or call us at +1-424-290–1860.